I started Petals and Palms by creating dreamy and beautifully designed soap for friends and family.  The business started to grow and expand into other products and we were well on our way.

Just when the business started to really take off, the rug was pulled out from underneath me by a breast cancer diagnosis.  For the years following I went through chemo treatments, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy and continued care.  During that time I was really having a hard time with the side effects of the horrible, but life saving chemo drugs.  When I lost my hair I noticed I was starting to get scaly areas on my scalp, my skin felt like it was tight and was just going to peel off, itchy and flaky areas were popping up all over the place.  When I was well enough between treatments I was able to formulate soap and lotions that would help restore my skin's healthy glow, refresh the moisture and ease the sensitivity.

I was very blessed to have the knowledge of formulations, able to test each product on myself and tweak as necessary.  Because I have made it through to the other side of the process, I am able to understand what you may be going through.  My goal is to empower those who are going through cancer and other illnesses that cause skin irritations to find the beautiful glow they used to have while calming your skin before, during and after.

Everyone has their own battle, their own fears and their own treatments.  Let us help you get gorgeous looking skin while building confidence every step of the way!

Who doesn't love a free gift!

Yep, we include a free gift just for you in every purchase!

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